Holiday Cleaning Checklist: 7 Tips To Get Your Home Sparkling

Holiday Cleaning Checklist

You can’t have your guests drinking out of dirty glasses, can you? Of course not! If your glassware has: Stubborn mineral stains: Try scrubbing them with potato skins. A little chip: Hold a flame under the tip of the crayon, letting the melted wax drip onto the chip.

Get your floors spotless now…because those dirty boots are a-comin’! If your floors are: Hardwood: Soak a cloth in tea and wash down the floors. Laminate: Add two tablespoons of baby shampoo to a gallon of water and mop the area.

Make sure your forks and spoons are shiny to make your meal even more appealing. An easy way to do to this is by rubbing the inside of a banana peel along your favorite silver accents.

These linens are a prime spot for mildew to grow since they often stay damp for long periods of time. If you have guests staying over your home and your towels are a little smelly, try this. First wash the towel using a quarter cup of baking soda and water. Then, wash it again using regular detergent and a quarter cup of white vinegar. Finally, dry the fabric in a drying machine on the hottest and longest setting.

You’ll need to make sure your fridge is odorless and clean, especially if you’re storing a lot of food. To get rid of smells, open a canister of oatmeal and allow that to sit in the space a few days before the holiday. This will absorb any rancid smells. Dust underneath the fridge by first removing the grill. Then, attach an old pair of pantyhose to a yardstick (or a broom handle) and run it underneath the unit. This will catch all the crumbs and dust bunnies you’ve missed.
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Hang lights and display decorations around a streak-free window. Just Just mix one to two teaspoons of dish detergent in a large bucket of warm water. Scrub the surface and then use a squeegee the remove suds. For more details, read our post on how to wash windows.

There’s no hiding a dirty toilet. If yours is covered in stains, it’s time for a good scrub. An easy solution will be to pour a 20 oz. bottle of cola into the toilet. Be sure to cover the entire inside of the commode with the soda. Allow it to sit there for 30 minutes. Then, take a scrubbing brush and scrub “the john.”

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